The better way to write your book

Research, plan, and write faster.
Boost your productivity and finish your book on time.

Plan and research your book

Keep all your research in one place. Plan your book from idea, outline, synopsis, plot structure to characters and locations’ sensory mapping.

Write daily and monitor your progress

Real Kanban project management for authors. Detailed insight into your character’s journey and the timeline of your story so you can focus and get into your writing mindset in seconds.

Write your book distraction-free

Use templates to create the entire structure of your book, scene by scene, with pre-defined plot points. Write and manage your manuscript with enhanced tracking features.

Get things done - from idea to eBook

You’ll stop wasting work with endless rewrites and manage better your time.
When you’re ready to get your book into the world, you can convert to ePub with one click – ready for publishing.

Get all tools in one place. All you need in order to plan, write and actually finish your novel.


writing projects – short stories, novellas, and novels – started in Asengana by our members.

Start writing today… or you can spend the rest of your days on the couch watching movies based on other people’s books.

*30-day free trial. Starting from $6.75/month afterwards.

Remember when you looked at your favourite books and wished you can write something as magical?
Writing a novel can be an arduous quest, peppered with messy affairs, bloody encounters, and sleepless nights. And the big question hanging over your head like a neon sign—”how can I turn my writing tricks into real magic?”
Asengana lays out in front of you the map for your quest to tap into that magic. You can now write like a hero who finds their story, releases it into the world, and returns home a professional writer.

Costi Gurgu

Costi’s fiction has appeared in Canada, the United States, and Europe. He has sold 6 books and over 80 stories for which he has won 27 awards,

All the features you need to plan, write and finish your novel.

Asengana writing platform helps you to easily plan and research your book from idea, outline, synopsis, plot structure to characters and locations’ sensory mapping. When you’re ready to get your book into the world, you can convert to ePub with one click – ready for publishing.

Story Templates
Research Notes
Progressive Building Blocks
Character Profiles
Location Management
Manuscript v2.0 Planster
Manuscript Structure
Chapter List
Kanban Board and Card
Burndown Chart
Project Analytics
Time Map
Character Map
Export to ePub
Write from anywhere
and more…

Start writing in 5 minutes

Product Management for Writers

A book is a serious commitment. It will consume your time , your mind, and, hopefully, your soul. Unless you’re committed to quality writing, open to understanding your book is a product that needs a team – writer, editor, graphic designer, translator – you will be less successful in your endeavors.


Start a new project – short story, novella, or novel. Do your research.


Plan your book. Create outline, synopsis, and manuscript structure.


Write your book. Use a Kanban to mange your time and your progress.


Create your eBook. Publish, market, and sell it. Start the next one.

Start writing today… or you can spend the rest of your days on the couch watching movies based on other people’s books.

*30-day free trial. Starting from $6.75/month afterwards.

Asengana Writing Platform solves the problems you didn’t realize you have.

If you don’t organize your writing process the way a professional writer does, you don’t have the right insights into your characters, create compelling settings and plot structure. And if you don’t have the right elements to make your story perfect, how can you expect your books to keep the reader hooked until THE END.

It’s as simple as that.

It takes more than a proficient writing process to turn a blank page into a novel.

It’s a journey from a writer distracted by the use of multiple tools – for writing, time and project management – to being an author capable to plan efficiently and write multiple books at the same time using one platform.

Here’s How…

What Life is Like Before Asengana

  • You write using a word processor with no structure just because it’s free.
  • Use dozens of folders and files to have all your characters and research organized – waste hours searching for that idea that you “had written somewhere so you don’t forget”.
  • It takes 10-30 minutes to wrap your thoughts and refresh the information you have about characters and settings in order to start writing a scene.
  • Use a separate software that requires a lot of work to create your ePub file
  • Your editor marks with the “kill your darlings” rule half of your beloved manuscript
  • The feedback you get about your plot holes makes you rewrite so many times your drafts are numbered in double digits.

What Life is Like After Asengana

  • Keep all your research in one place. Plan your book from idea, outline, synopsis, plot structure to characters and locations’ sensory mapping.
  • Write daily distraction-free and monitor your progress
  • Daily planning with a Kanban Board allows you to focus on the scenes you plan to write in a day.
  • Refresh your memory about the characters, locations, settings for a scene in minutes.
  • Write in shorter writing sessions. We’ve seen writers get more done in a day by setting 35-45 minutes aside and writing one scene, around 900 words, three times per day.

Your writing sessions just got FASTER, EFFICIENT, and more PRODUCTIVE.

Write an unforgettable story using time proven techniques and structure

Start writing in minutes using pre-defined structures with all the analytics of the platform working for you or…

Plan and plot your book from scratch

From premise to final draft, you have all the planning you need: logline, synopsis, timeline, chapters, and scenes. The planning module takes a methodical approach to building a detailed structure from basic building blocks.

Start writing today… or you can spend the rest of your days on the couch watching movies based on other people’s books.

*30-day free trial. Starting from $6.75/month afterwards.

Character and Location management

Create fascinating characters and detailed locations with sensorial mapping. Every profile is connected with every scene in the manuscript based on POV or location.

Time Map of your story and characters  – advanced analytics

Real insight into your character’s journey and the timeline of your story. Things get messy when your story has many characters. When a character is POV for one scene in your novel, it’s useful to know if he was born or dead before the scene happens

Advanced Plot Management and Tracking

The Manuscript has enhanced tracking features so you can instantly refresh your cross references about plot points, characters and locations for every scene. You can modify the structure with a simple drag-and-drop.

Reach deadlines with Daily Planning

Once activated, the Kanban Card will help you find with ease and focus on writing the scenes you decided to work on today.

Concierge – Writer’s Service Desk

We’re writers just like you and we’re here to help. Let us know how we can improve your writing experience.

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If you’re going to invest money into a writing software, you deserve a smart and easy-to-use solution.

Simple pricing

100% no-risk 30-day FREE trial.
Get access to all features.
Pay NOTHING for the first 30 days.
Cancel at ANY time during your trial.

  • 30 writing projects
  • Research Notes
  • Story templates
  • Planning: outline, synopsis
  • Character profiles
  • Locations with sensory mapping
  • Writing module – enhanced features
  • Analytics and Kanban Board
  • Export to Word, PDF, ePub
  • And more…

$6.75/month billed yearly

Start writing in less than 5 minutes.